4 Reasons to Pass up a Vessel Job

We have all heard the phrase “beggars can’t be choosers. ” Undoubtedly, this economy has made many of us far less picky than we might have been in the past, but there are times when we should still put our foot down and say no to certain vessel jobs. This article discusses some reasons why you might want to pass up certain work offshore.

Please keep in mind that these reasons are not all inclusive and would only apply to certain individuals. The main point is to be aware of the potential downsides to an offshore company and weigh those with your own personal needs and wants.

Say No to Vessel Jobs When

  1. The company has a track record for safety violations. Though mistakes do happen in the oil & gas industry, certain safety regulations are put in place to help minimize accidents offshore. If a company repeatedly violates safety protocols, then you should closely examine whether this would be a good place to work. Too many violations might indicate the company does not prioritize the safety of its workers. While this information will most likely not be on the company’s website, you can scour the Internet with search terms “Should I work for/at [Company name]”, “Safety violations [Company name]”, etc. Look for news articles, forums, and job search sites that discuss any violations a company might have incurred recently. You can also check the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement website for recent safety violations.
  2. Other employees have complained of major mistreatment. Many times when an employee complains online, it’s because they’re upset about getting laid off/fired/etc. But sometimes, and especially when several different employees on different websites mention negative things about a company, the complaints are legitmate and warning signs that the offshore oil company may be mistreating its employees.
  3. The company talks more about itself than you. If you’re in an interview for a job at a vessel company and they go on and on about themselves, then watch out. An offshore company should not have to sell itself to you. It should be vice versa. If they are not interested in your unique skills, work ethic, or background, then they must deem you as interchangeable with anyone else.
  4. They are unprofessional. A company that does not hold its own professionality in high esteem is one who will not care about the professionality of its work environment or employees. This may prove to be a frustrating place to work as deadlines, protocols, and common courtesies may be ignored altogether.

Anytime you are applying for a vessel job at a company, consider the following suggestions:

  • Google the company
  • Find employee and customer reviews
  • Try to talk to someone at the company

You may want to find the answers to these questions:

  • Does the company have a safe work environment?
  • Do they treat their employees with respect?
  • Do they offer benefits?
  • Do they sound too good to be true?
  • Do they require extensive qualifications or can any Jo-Shmo get the job?

Hope you found the information in this article useful. Until next time, happy hunting.